
Randomly selected question from each part:


26 Surgery of the liver


22 Fractures in the elbow joint region


3 Cerebral concussion and contusion


21 Cystic diseases of the kidneys


19 Intestinal polyps in child age

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1 Asepsis, antisepsis, sterilisation, and disinfection
2 Subjective and objective symptoms of acute abdominal events
3 The most frequent mistakes in the diagnostics of acute abdominal episodes and main causes of late admission to hospital
4 Acute painful syndrome of the epigastrium
5 Hernias of the anterior abdominal wall
6 Abdominal hernias and their complications
7 Acute appendicitis
8 Appendicitis in childhood, old age, gravidity, and puerperium
9 Differential diagnostics of acute appendicitis
10 Complications of acute appendicitis
12 Haemorrhoids, anal fissure
13 Anorectal fistulas and abscesses
14 Prolapse of the anus and rectum
15 Sacrococcygeal pilonidal sinus
16 Classification of intestinal obstructions
17 Pathophysiology of the ileus
18 Mechanical ileus
19 Neurogenic and vascular ileus
20 Inflammations and calculi in the biliary tract
21 Obstructive jaundice
22 Acute necrosis of the pancreas
23 Cysts and pseudocysts of the pancreas
24 Tumours of the pancreas
25 Acute painful syndrome of the left hypogastrium
26 Surgery of the liver
27 Tumours of the stomach
28 Tumours of the large and small bowel
29 Surgical treatment of colon inflammations
30 Surgical inflammations of the small intestine
31 Rare abdominal hernias, internal hernias
32 Complications of the gastroduodenal ulcer disease
33 Chronic pancreatitis and its surgical treatment
34 Ulcer disease of the stomach and duodenum
35 Tumours of the large a small bowel
36 Diverticulosis of the gastrointestinal tract
1 Cervical cysts and fistulas
2 Goiter
3 Thoracic outlet syndrome
4 Inflammations in the breast
5 Breast cancer
6 Gynaecomastia
7 Pneumothorax and hemothorax
8 Acute mediastinitis
9 Pleural empyema
10 Pulmonary abscess
11 Lung cancer
10 Injuries to the thorax
12 Diaphragmatic hernia; paralysis of the diaphragm
13 Tumours of the mediastinum
14 Surgery of the oesophagus
15 Pylorospasm, cardiospasm
16 Surgery of the spleen
17 Varices of lower extremities
18 Acute obstruction of peripheral arteries
19 Injuries to the arteries
20 Chronic arterial occlusions
21 Arterial aneurysms
22 Venous thrombosis
23 Inflammations in the retroperitoneum
24 Injuries to the stomach, small and large intestines
25 Surgery of the adrenal glands
1 Acute bleeding into the gastrointestinal tract
2 Haemoperitoneal syndrome
3 Acute peritonitis
4 Localised peritonitis
5 Superior vena cava syndrome
6 Laparoscopic, thoracoscopic and athroscopic surgery
7 Care of the unconscious patient
8 Postoperative complications
9 Blood transfusion and its complications
10 Resuscitation of arrests of breathing and circulation
11 Surgical infection
12 The embolism of all kinds
13 Shocks: haemorrhagic, burn, traumatic, anaphylactic, septic
14 Disorders of the internal environment, including acid-base balance in surgery
15 General anaesthesia
16 Local anaesthesia
17 Complications of anaesthesia
18 Drowning and hanging
19 Thermal injuries
20 Injuries by electric current
21 Pigmented naevi, malignant melanoma
22 Plastic surgeries of the skin and transplantations
23 Suppurative diseases of the fingers and hand
24 Dupuytren's contracture
25 Acute and chronic lymphoedema
36 Injuries to the abdomen


1 Injuries to the soft knee
2 Amputation of the extremities and limb prostheses
3 Fractures of the upper end of femur
4 Fractures of vertebrae
5 Injuries to tendons
6 Fractures of the pelvis and their complications
7 Traumatic luxations in the hip joint
8 Fractures of the proximal end of humerus
9 Osteomyelitides
10 Scalping
11 Injuries to the neck
12 Loss injuries to the hand
13 Fractures of the ribs and sternum
14 Suppurative inflammations of joints
15 Conservative and surgical treatment of fractures
16 Intervertebral disc protrusions
17 Fractures of the humeral diaphysis
18 Fractures of bones of the forearm
19 Luxations in the shoulder joint
20 Malleolar fractures
21 Fractures of the talus and foot
22 Fractures in the elbow joint region
23 Luxations in the elbow joint
24 Fractures in the knee joint region
25 Fractures of bones of the carpus and hand
26 Fractures and luxations in the regions of the clavicle and scapula
27 Fractures of crural bones
28 Complications and consequences of fractures
29 Healing of fractures and its disorders
30 Non-specific inflammation of a bone, specific inflammations of bones and joints
31 Orthopaedic treatment of degenerative and rheumatic diseases
32 Bone tumours – classification, diagnostics, principles of treatment
33 Congenital defects of the musculoskeletal apparatus
34 Orthopaedic diseases of the hip joint in childhood
35 Congenital abnormalities of the feet
36 Scoliosis and other backbone deformities
37 Pain in the back – differential diagnostics
38 Examination methods in orthopaedics and traumatology
39 Principles of treatment of an injured patient (first aid in fractures)
40 Surgical treatment of fractures, principles of osteosynthesis
41 Complications in the treatment of fractures
42 Classification, healing of fractures, fractures in children and their complications
43 Plastering and dressing techniques in traumatology, extensions
44 Open fractures – principles of treatment, complications
45 Principles of rehabilitation in treating injuries to the musculoskeletal apparatus; evaluation of long-term prognosis and disability, principles of orthopaedic prosthetics
46 Injuries to the backbone and spinal cord
47 Injuries in the region of the shoulder joint
48 Injuries in the regions of the arm and elbow; supracondylar fracture in children
49 Fractures of the forearm, wrist, and hand
50 Injuries to the pelvis and acetabulum
51 Fractures of the femur
52 Fractures in the region of the knee joint
53 Injuries to the soft knee
54 Crural fractures and the compartment syndrome
55 Injuries in the regions of the ankle and foot
56 Aseptic necroses of bones, enthesopathies, and inflammations of tendons
57 Injuries to joints
58 Tendovaginitis and bursitis
59 Geriatric traumatology
60 Injuries to the backbone
61 Neuromuscular diseases - cerebral palsy, polio, postpartum lesions, peripheral nervecompression
62 Degenerative diseases of the spine


1 Injuries to peripheral nerves
2 Epidural and subdural (acute and chronic) haematomas
3 Cerebral concussion and contusion
4 Fractures of the cranium and their complications
5 Cranial base fractures and their complications
6 Gunshot wounds of the cranium and brain
7 Injuries to the spinal cord
8 Possibilities of surgical treatment of ischaemic cerebrovascular accidents
9 Intracranial hypertension, cerebral oedemas and cones
10 Encephaloceles, myelomeningoceles, craniosynostoses
11 Hydrocephalus, its types and therapy
12 Benign tumours of the brain
13 Malignant tumours of the brain
14 Aneurysms of cerebral arteries
15 Spontaneous intracerebral bleeding
16 Arteriovenous malformations of the brain
17 Ischaemia of the brain, methods of surgical treatment of cerebral ischaemia
18 Brain contusion, diffuse axonal injury
19 Prevention from secondary damage to the brain after cerebrocranial traumas
20 Abscesses of the brain, subdural empyema
21 Spinal and intraspinal tumours
22 Surgical therapy of pain
23 Stereotactic and radiation neurosurgery, functional neurosurgery


1 Examination methods in urology – clinical, laboratory, endoscopic, and diagnostic imaging
2 Haematuria; urinary retention; anuria
3 Acute episodes in urology
4 Non-specific inflammations of the urinary tract
5 Tuberculosis of the uropoietic system
6 Renal colic
7 Urolithiasis – diagnostics and endoscopic treatment, extracorporeal lithotripsy, metaphylaxis
8 Torsion of the testicle
9 Phimosis, hydrocele, varicocele
10 Epididymitis, orchitis
11 Prostatitis
12 Obstruction of the urinary tract; hydronephrosis
13 Injuries to the urinary system - kidney, ureter, urinary bladder, urethra
14 Benign prostatic hyperplasia - aetiology, epidemiology, diagnostics, treatment
15 Prostate cancer a)prostate-limited tumours; b) advanced disease
16 Tumours of the testicle
17 Tumours of the kidneys
18 Tumours of the urinary bladder
19 Tumours of the penis
20 Tumours of the retroperitoneum
21 Cystic diseases of the kidneys
22 Anomalies of the uropoietic system
23 Urinary incontinence – classification, diagnostics, and treatment
24 Urinary fistulas
25 Infertility in the male – aetiology, epidemiology, diagnostics, assisted reproduction methods
26 Infertility in the male – possibilities of surgical treatment
27 Sexual dysfunctions in the male (erectile dysfunction, priapism, Peyronie's disease)
28 Possibilities of urinary drainage
29 Vesicoureteral reflux


1 Care in the newborn
2 Non-invasive examination methods in paediatric surgery
3 Acute appendicitis in child age
4 Gastroesophageal reflux and oesophageal achalasia in child age
5 Diaphragmatic hernias in child age
6 Hirschsprung's disease in child age
7 Haemorrhage into the gastrointestinal system in child age
8 Congenital developmental defects in child age
9 Congenital anorectal anomalies
10 Chest deformities in child age
11 Defects of the abdominal wall in child age
12 Oesophageal atresia in child age
13 Anorectal malformations in child age
14 Biliary atresia in child age
15 Specificities of fractures in children
16 Pyloric stenosis in child age
17 Necrotising enterocolitis in child age
18 Non-specific intestinal inflammations in child age
19 Intestinal polyps in child age
20 Tumours of the liver in child age
21 Tumours of the urogenital tract in child age
22 An undescended testis, phimosis, paraphimosis in child age
23 Fractures of the humerus and clavicle in child age
24 Fractures of the forearm and hand in child age
25 Fractures of the ribs and sternum; pneumothorax in child age
26 Fractures of the vertebrae and pelvis in child age
27 Fractures of the femur in child age
28 Injuries to the knee joint in child age
29 Crural and foot fractures in child age
30 Injuries to organs of the abdominal cavity in child age
31 Periannular subluxation of radial head – painful pronation
32 Urogenital developmental anomalies