1. Health - definition, measuring, indicators. Individual health and population health. Indicators based on mortality, morbidity, quality of life. The importance of age standardization.
2. Disease prevention, health protection and promotion - definitions, implementation methods, types of prevention, differences in implementation and impacts.
3. Health risks - methods of their evaluation, danger vs risk. Types of dose-response relationship, deterministic and stochastic effect. Exposure, direct and indirect assessment methods.
4. Epidemiology - definition. Epidemiological methods, their division and types. Use in preventive medicine. Descriptive, analytical, observational, interventional (experimental), retrospective, prospective, correlation (ecological) studies, case-control studies, cohort studies. Randomized and non-randomized studies. RCT category - randomized clinical trials. Importance and relationship to evidence level. Bias and their types, causality and its proving. Quantitative research.
5. Air and health - climatic factors, particles, relation of global climate change to health. Optimal microclimate, indicator role of carbon dioxide concentrations in indoor environment. Suspended particles and health, “black carbon”.
6. Light and health - light pollution, the role of light in the synchronization of circadian rhythms, melatonin, rules of proper lighting.
7. Noise and health - impacts of noise on health, auditory and non-auditory effects. Noise pollution, measurement of noise, expression of results, evaluation and interpretation. Technical measures against noise.
8. Ionizing and non-ionizing radiation - sources, health effects, impacts of nuclear accidents and normal operation of nuclear facilities (powerplants) on human health, radiation sickness, radiophobia. Radon.
9. Chemical factors, environmental toxicology - influence of chemical pollution on health. Metals - characterization and cycling of metals in the natural environment, entry into the organism, distribution, interaction with the organism, metal poisoning. Mercury and its methylated forms, Minamata disease. Arsenic, lead, cadmium, iron.
10. Environment in the Czech Republic - smog, noise and vibration, ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, health impact in the Czech Republic, trends of metal pollution in the Czech Republic.
11. Water and health - drinking water, legislation, biological function and biological value of drinking water, importance of water hardness, water sources, drinking water treatment, health safety, interpretation of analysis indicators. Methemoglobinemia. Faecal contamination of drinking water, water-borne infections.
12. Waste - definition of waste, impact of waste on health. Treatment of municipal and industrial waste, specifics of waste from medical facilities, protective and preventive measures in contact with waste, risk factors in waste treatment. Wastewater, basic methods and principles of purification.
13. Smoking - definition of smoking, composition of tobacco smoke, nicotine, pandemic smoking. Impact of smoking on health. Types of exposure, active and passive smoking, prenatal exposure. Tabaco addiction, diagnostics.
14. Smoking cessation and prevention - quitting smoking, program 5A / 5P in primary and secondary care. The role and possibilities of physicians, behavioral methods, pharmacological assistance in quitting, its nature, types, importance and indications. Harm reduction. Possibilities of prevention and legislation.
15. Nutrition – grains, cereals, bakery products, pasta, rice, oats etc. - importance in terms of the content of particular nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, other substances of a non-nutritional nature) and in terms of the impact of consumption on health. Carbohydrates. Glycemic index. Whole grains, fiber. Incomplete proteins. Gluten - diseases caused by gluten, food labeling in terms of gluten.
16. Nutrition - fruits and vegetables - importance in terms of content of particular nutrients and other biologically active substances of non-nutritional nature, importance of vegetables and fruits in terms of health impacts and prevention of specific diseases. Servings and recommendations.
17. Nutrition - milk and dairy products - importance in terms of the content of particular nutrients, in terms of health impacts and in terms of prevention of specific diseases. Myths and truths about milk. Calcium, milk as a source of calcium. Live yoghurt cultures. Allergy to cow's milk protein, lactose intolerance. Servings, recommendations and dietary guidelines.
18. Nutrition - meat, fish and seafood, eggs, pulses, nuts and seeds - importance in terms of the content of particular nutrients, in terms of health impacts and in terms of prevention of specific diseases. Proteins and protein sources.
19. Nutrition - fats - classification of fats in nutrition, importance of fats in general and individual groups (fatty acids) for health. Food sources of fats and their importance. Relationship of fats and cholesterol.
20. Nutrition - sodium and salt (NaCl) - importance and impact on health. Actual and recommended consumption, food sources, recommendations for sodium restriction. Sugar, added sugar, health impact and recommendations.
21. Nutrition - food labeling - nutrition claims and health claims, misleading claims, legislation. Labeling of foodstuffs in terms of gluten, allergens. GDA (guidelines daily amounts).
22. Nutrition - nutritional recommendations - types, dietary reference values for nutrients (DRV), general (verbal) nutritional recommendations, food-based dietary guidelines (FBDG). Principles, goals, forms. Current dietary guidelines in the Czech Republic and examples from other countries.
23. Dietary assessment – nutritional intake and dietary consumption, qualitative and quantitative aspects. The global consumption assessment. Methods of assessment of individual consumption. Retrospective and prospective methods. Advantages and disadvantages of particular methods, types of questionnaires, fast evaluation according to food groups, WHO dietary score.
24. Nutritional status – undernutrition, malnutrition. Classification and types, symptoms, causes, diagnostics. The world's most widespread micronutrient malnutrition. Evaluation of PEM using MUAC in the field studies. Standardized screening tests to assess undernutrition and malnutrition in hospitalized patients and in elderly people.
25. Evaluation of nutritional status - overview of methods- anamnestic (history), clinical (physical), anthropometric, laboratory. Anthropometry - BMI, body fat and body composition, abdominal circumference and its importance. Problematics of cut-offs for body fat percentage. NWO syndrome. Metabolic syndrome. Biochemical indicators of nutritional status evaluation. Specifics of evaluation of nutritional status in children.
26. Physical activity - importance of physical activity in disease prevention, negative impacts of insufficient physical activity. Basic components of physical activity evaluation. Methods of evaluation of the level of physical activity (PAL), subjective and objective methods, metabolic equivalent (MET), assessment of cardiorespiratory fitness. Principles of method selection for evaluation of physical activity.
27. Nutrition of children - importance of breastfeeding, composition of breast milk: nutritive and non-nutritive components, risk of non-breastfeeding. Breastfeeding support, Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative, 10 steps to successful breastfeeding (WHO / UNICEF), 4 points for breastfeeding support, International code of marketing of breast milk substitutes (WHO). Contraindications of breastfeeding. Infants and toddler nutrition, complementary feeding. Growth charts. Childhood obesity.
28. Hygiene of children and adolescents – health protection and promotion, monitoring of health condition of children and youth, factors influencing healthy growth and development, the role of education for a healthy lifestyle. Characteristics and risks of individual age categories.
29. Social paediatrics - children and adolescents - injuries in childhood, violence against children, possibilities of prevention, adolescent addiction, mental disorders. STD as specific risks in adolescence, education and prevention.
30. Lifestyle-oriented preventive counselling - goals and implementers, main steps. The importance of lifestyle factors as determinants of health, attributable risk in etiology of major non-transmissible diseases. The importance of an individual risk profile assessment.
31. Smoking in lifestyle-oriented preventive counseling – main steps within a short intervention: Diagnosis of the smoking status, tools for assessing the degree of dependence. Rationale and argumentation for the patient. Methods and assistance in quitting.
32. Alcohol in lifestyle-oriented preventive counselling - the impact of alcohol on health, an attributive contribution to the risk of major diseases. Health problems related to alcohol use - differentiation of alcohol dependence and health damage (without the presence of dependence). Defining hazardous drinking, risk criteria. Alcohol screening - a distinction between identifying alcohol-related problems and quantifying consumption. AUDIT questionnaires and other short questionnaires. Determining the amount of alcohol, alcohol unit. Recommendations for the population.
33. Nutrition in lifestyle-oriented preventive counselling - recommended methods for evaluating nutritional habits in common practice. Use of general and individualized dietary (nutritional) recommendations. Critical summary of alternative diets and dietary patterns, their possible benefits and risks (Mediterranean pattern, vegetarianism, veganism, keto-diet and others).
34. Physical activity in lifestyle-oriented preventive counselling - recommended methods for evaluation of physical activity level (PAL) in common practice, methods of quantification and categorization according to the guidelines. Current recommendations of physical activity for the population. Global recommendations on physical activity for health, WHO health, American physical activity guidelines 2018. Individual prescription of physical activity.
35. Anthropometric examination and its evaluation in lifestyle-oriented preventive counselling - importance, evaluation and use of main indicators, their strengths and weaknesses. BMI, abdominal circumference, body fat percentage. The limits of WHR index. Problematics of NWO (normal weight obesity) and sarcopenic obesity. Link to behavioral recommendations.
36. Prevention of cardiovascular diseases - counseling, recommendations for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases through lifestyle. An overview of the most important lifestyle factors affecting the risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Based on sufficient evidence, current recommendations (European recommendations 2016 and AHA American recommendations 2019), new findings.
37. Blood pressure - evaluation in the framework of preventive examinations and lifestyle-oriented counselling, factors influencing the risk of hypertension, possibilities of non-pharmacological intervention for favorably influencing elevated BP.
38. Blood cholesterol - evaluation as part of preventive examinations and lifestyle advice. Factors affecting plasma levels, possibilities of non-pharmacological intervention for favorably influencing blood cholesterol.
39. Possibilities of primary prevention of cancer - the main causes of cancer globally. Importance of the quality of evidence for risk assessment and formulation of recommendations. A realistic look at the importance of the carcinogens (class A). Smoking as a major controllable cancer risk. Effect of nutritional and dietary factors (food groups), body weight and physical activity. Summary of main recommendations for primary prevention of cancer.
40. Obesity - obesity prevention, nutritional counseling in obesity prevention and therapy - methods, use of dietary records.
41. Osteoporosis - epidemiology, risk factors for development, possibilities of prevention and positive influencing by lifestyle.
42. Diabetes type II – epidemiology, risk factors for development, possibilities of prevention and favorable influencing by lifestyle.