Randomly selected question from each part:
Differential diagnosis
27. Differential diagnosis of gastrointestinal bleeding
Special pediatrics
3. Lymphomas
General pediatrics and neonatology
14. Acid-base balance disorders
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PART Differential diagnosis
1. Differential diagnosis of dyspnea
2. Cyanotic child - differential diagnosis
3. Differential diagnosis of chronic cough
4. Differential diagnosis of growth disorders
5. Differential diagnosis of obesity
6. Differential diagnosis of polyuria
7. Differential diagnosis of edema
8. Differential diagnosis of heart murmur in childhood
9. Differential diagnosis of widened mediastinum
10. Differential diagnosis of proteinuria
11. Differential diagnosis of renal tubulopathy
12. Differential diagnosis of fever of unknown origin
13. Differential diagnosis of exanthema
14. Differential diagnosis of unconsciousness
15. Differential diagnosis of seizures in children
16. Differential diagnosis of intracranial hypertension syndrome
17. Differential diagnosis of headache
18. Differential diagnosis of seizures in neonates
19. Differential diagnosis of neonatal jaundice
20. Differential diagnosis of hematuria
21. Differential diagnosis of lymphadenopathy
22. Differential diagnosis of anemia
23. Differential diagnosis of hepatosplenomegaly
24. Differential diagnosis of coagulopathies
25. Differential diagnosis of obstipation, encopresis
26. Differential diagnosis of purpuric rash
27. Differential diagnosis of gastrointestinal bleeding
28. Differential diagnosis of hyperbilirubinemia in toddlers and older children
29. Differential diagnosis of diarrhea
30. Differential diagnosis of malabsorption syndrome
31. Differential diagnosis of vomiting in older children
32. Differential diagnosis of vomiting in newborns and infants
33. Differential diagnosis of abdominal pain
34. Differential diagnosis of hypovitaminosis and hypervitaminosis
PART Special pediatrics
1. Hemoblastosis
2. Solid tumors in children
3. Lymphomas
4. Platelets´ disorders
5. White blood cells disorders
6. Early and late consequences of antitumor therapy
7. Treatment od anemias in children
8. Treatment of coagulopathies
9. Congenital heart diseases
10. Acquired heart disorders
11. Hypertension in children
12. Treatment of hypertension and hypertension crisis
13. Disorders of heart conduction system
14. The most common development diseases of respiratory tract
15. Disorders of upper respiratory tract
16. Disorders of lower respiratory tract, acute bronchiolitis
17. Subglotic laryngitis and acute epiglottitis
18. Aspiration of foreign body
19. Pneumonias in children
20. Pneumothorax
21. Mucoviscidosis – cystic fibrosis
22. Alergic reactions
23. Anaphylaxis, anaphylactic shock
24. Alergic rhinitis
25. Bronchial asthma
26. Treatment of asthmatic attack, principles of long-term treatment of bronchial asthma
27. Congenital amd acquired imunodeficiencies
28. Congenital and acquired disorders of urinary tract system
29. Acute and chronic renal failure
30. Urinary tract infection
31. Nephrotic syndrome
32. Acute and chronic glomerulonephritis
33. Vesicouretheral reflux
34. Hemolytic uremic syndrome
35. Lithiasis
36. The most often congenital disorders of gastrointestinal tract
37. Failure to thrive in childhood
38. Infant colic
39. Treatment of infant diarrhea
40. Treatment of diarrhea in toddlers and older children
41. Gastroesophageal reflux in children, diagnostics and treatment
42. Intestinal parasites – diagnostics and treatment
43. Megacolon congenitum
44. Disorders of gastrointestinal tract (oral cavity, esophagus, stomach)
45. Disorders of small intestine
46. Disorders of large intestine and rectum
47. Disorders of pancreas in children
48. Acute abdomen
49. Diabetes mellitus in children
50. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
51. Disorders of thyroid gland
52. Treatment of acute endocrinopathies
53. Disorders of suprarenal glands
54. Disorders of hypothalamus and hypophysis, diabetes insipidus
55. Disorders of pubertal maturation (pubertas praecox,tarda)
56. Disorders of joints in children
57. Treatment of juvenile idiopathic arthritis
58. Rickets
59. Vasculitis
PART General pediatrics and neonatology
1. The issue of substance abuse in children and adolescents
2. Psychosomatic Disorders in Childhood
3. The vaccination schedule, special and exceptional vaccination
4. Growth, development, puberty, physical development evaluation (Tanner score)
5. Sudden infant death syndrome
6. Child abuse and neglect syndrome
7. Screening programs in pediatrics
8. Evaluation of nutritional status of the child, eating disorders
9. CPR in childhood
10. Electric trauma, drowning
11. Treatment of fever in childhood
12. Treatment of poisoning in childhood, mushroom poisoning
13. Psychomotoric development of infant
14. Acid-base balance disorders
15. Therapy of dehydratation
16. Disorders of metabolism of water and electrolytes
17. Disorders of metabolism of lipids, atherosclerosis – primary prevention in childhood
18. Disorders of metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates
19. Anatomical and physiological specificities of the respiratory tract in childhood
20. Examination of urinary tract
21. Breastfeeding
22. Artificial nutrition of infants
23. Nutrition of toddlers and older children, principles of rational nutrition
24. Periods of childhood, the specificity of each period
25. Care of child by general pediatrician
26. Basic examination methods in alergology
27. Main symptoms of GIT diseases in childhood
28. Most often skin disorders in childhood
29. Principles of rational haemotherapy
30. Pediatrician´s work in delivery room and in neonatal ward
31. Physiologic newborn – definition, signs of maturity
32. Premature newborn – definition, somatic and physiologic specificities
33. Fetal circulation, adaptation of newborn, cardiorespiratory adaptation
34. CPR of newborn, Apgar score
35. Asphyxia in newborn
36. Respiratory distress syndrome
37. Infant of diabetic mother syndrome
38. Fetal and newborn infection
39. Low birth weight newborn
40. Birth injuries
41. Principles of nutrition of newborn in first day of life
42. Conjugated and unconjugated hyperbilirubinaemia of newborn
43. Complications of prematurity – NEC, ROP, BPD, intracranial hemorhagy
44. Therapy of neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia